Script Format

  • (Word Document)

Cover Page

Include the author’s/s’ name and affiliation, email address, and a short biographical note.

Second Page

  • An abstract of not more than 200 words.
  • 4 keywords

Third page

The title should appear on top of the page. Author’s/s’ name must not appear on this page.

Entire Script

The script should be between 5,000 and 7,000 words in length and should be written in English. The manuscript is to be in New Roman text, 12pt, double spacing, with right and left margins of 3.5cm each.  Pages should be numbered.

Figures and Tables

Each should be embedded in the paper. Sources of information and table notes should be identified under table and double-spaced. Figure numbers should be shown as Arabic numerals, table numbers as Latin numerals. Headings and sub-headings should be clearly distinguished.


  • References should be provided in the text with the author’s/s’ name followed by the year in brackets.  If a direct quote is used the page number will be added.  Any references cited in the article need to be included in an alphabetical reference list at the end.  Information that reveals the identity of the author should not appear in the entire text, including references.
  • References should be listed in the APA style.


Footnotes should not be used in the text.  Endnotes should be used instead, marked in the text by numbers within square brackets [1].


Acknowledgements are to appear at the very end of the paper.


The editors reserve the right to make minor editorial alterations or deletions to articles without consulting the author/s, so long as such changes do not affect the substance of the article.

Submission Form




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    Article (Microsoft Word or PDF):
